關於我/About me


I am a Taiwanese who loves to travel and eat good food. Trying to get the one-year student visa in Switzerland to learn German in language school. So working hard to prepare IELTS test...can't believe I have to enroll IELTS test just to apply a student visa for language school...



The place I had been to : 
Singapore 、New Zealand 、Australia 、Malaysia 、Japan 、Thailand 、Cambodia 、Vietnam
My next travel plan in 2017 : 
4.24-27 Hong Kong
4.27-7.24 Switzerland (June in Italy and July in Hungary) 


I am that into traveling till I went to New Zealand. Before that, I an typical Asians who works for the whole day. It's the year in New Zealand changed me, opened up my soul of being a traveler. And also made me addicted to travel alone.

PS. Writing my blog in English is a way that I practice my English. But English is not my first language, so please let me know if you see some weird sentence or grammar. Many thanks. :))))      



[香港] 早班飛機到香港機場攻略

[紐西蘭] 打工度假行李怎麼帶